пятница, 28 августа 2015 г.

The 111 Benefits of Breastfeeding – For Babies, Moms & Everyone Else

The 111 Benefits of Breastfeeding – For Babies, Moms & Everyone Else
The Benefits Of Breastfeeding

I was fed formula when I was a baby, and I turned out just fine, if I do say so myself. My brothers and sisters were all formula fed, too, and nothing went wrong with them either.

I planned to carry on the tradition of formula feeding when I was pregnant with my first child. I figured nine months of carrying around my baby was enough of a sacrifice – I wanted my body back, and I was intimidated by the rules and horror stories I heard about breastfeeding.

My friends would tell me they couldn’t eat certain things before they breastfed their babies, and they complained about their cracked, painful nipples. I was sure breastfeeding wasn’t for me. I didn’t want to be stared at by people when I attempted to breastfeed my baby in public.

My mind was made up, until one day when I was surfing the internet, and I found some articles about the benefits of breastfeeding. That’s when it hit me – my feelings didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was giving my baby the best, healthiest start I could. If you’re on the fence about breastfeeding or you’ve decided not to do it, let me share with you some of the things I learned that changed my mind.

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Hygeia Breastpumps

Aeroflow Breastpumps

If you’re on the fence about breastfeeding (like I was) or you’ve decided not to do it, let me share with you some of the incredible Benefits of Breastfeeding I learned that changed my mind.

Read: Which are the best nursing covers for breastfeeding in public?

Read: What are the best pacifiers for breastfed babies?

Read: What are the best breast pump bags for breastfeeding mothers?

Read: What are the best burp cloths for babies?

Read: What are the best sippy cups for breastfed babies?

Why Don’t Some Women Want to Breastfeed?

​Whether you’re worried you’ll eat something you’re not supposed to, and you’ll hurt your baby, or you aren’t confident you’ll do it right, there are many reasons some women don’t want to breastfeed.

Here are some of the most common:​

As we’ve already covered, there are many more reasons to breastfeed than there are reasons to skip it. Let’s look at some solutions to the obstacles for breastfeeding.

What if I Can’t Breastfeed?

Even if they want to, not everyone can breastfeed their babies. Here are conditions and circumstances that may prevent a woman from breastfeeding.

A mom shouldn’t breastfeed if:​

Moms who have had breast reduction surgery can try to breastfeed and see what their milk flow is like.

If you can’t breastfeed for medical reasons, maybe it is only temporary. You can ask your doctor when you may be able to begin breastfeeding. Getting some breast milk is better than not getting any.

If you can’t breastfeed, don’t feel bad. There are solutions to help your baby get the benefits of breastfeeding, even if you can’t do it. If you have any friends who are currently breastfeeding, ask them if they would mind pumping a little extra for you. You’d be surprised at how many women would be happy to do this to help a baby and a friend.

If you don’t know anyone who is breastfeeding, you could find a milk bank, where women share their breast milk to help those in need.

Just Do Your Best

Motherhood is hard work, and breastfeeding certainly isn’t easy. If you are physically capable of doing it, I think you owe it to yourself and your baby to at least give it a try. And if you can’t do it, please don’t beat yourself up about it. There are other alternatives you can explore.

I’d love to hear from moms who have any questions, comments, or would just like to share their breastfeeding experiences!

Breastfeeding ain't easy, but it sure does come with a lot of benefits. Click here to learn more.

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Original article and pictures take momlovesbest.com site

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