Thank You for Breastfeeding in Public (with free printable)
Thank You for Breastfeeding in Public (with free printable)
A small baby’s angry cry filled the tiny coffee shop as the mom struggled to bring the baby to her breast. The cafe was busy and the first time mom sat at a table in the center of it all.
As soon as I saw her holding her baby beneath a nursing cover I knew I wanted to say something. I wanted to tell her, “You are awesome! Thank you so much for breastfeeding in public!” Yet I was with four of my girl friends, and she was with her young husband. What would they all think?
We ended up chatting after her husband offered to take a picture of me and my friends. Their adorable baby boy was just three months old. Last year on vacation they sat in the same cafe when she was so newly pregnant that they didn’t even know it yet.
As my friends were gathering their things to leave, I knew I couldn’t walk out of that cafe without saying “Thank you” to this woman. Nervously, I walked up to her.
“Excuse me. I just want to say good luck with the breastfeeding. It is awesome that you are doing it.”
She went on to thank me and apologize. Apologize? “I wasn’t sure if I should nurse him here.”
Quickly I interrupted her and thanked her for breastfeeding in public. I told her that people aren’t going to get used to women breastfeeding if they don’t see it, and she is making it easier for the next woman who wonders if she should nurse her baby. You shouldn’t have to feed your baby in a bathroom or hide just because you aren’t using a bottle. Then I left, but her words stuck with me.
I wasn’t sure if I should.
How many times I did I have the same doubts with my babies? How many times did I allow others to direct me to a more private place to nurse? How many times did I nervously pull out my nursing cover?
I wasn’t sure if I should.
How many times did I ditch my nursing cover with confidence, but secretly waited for the disapproving looks or snide comments?
I wasn’t sure if I should.
Her small baby was just three months old. This was probably their first vacation as a family of three, and it may have been the first time she ever nursed in public. She had appeared so confident, yet inside she was nervous and uncertain. I am so glad I listened to my gut and thanked her for breastfeeding in public.
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