This year has been a busy year for my blog. In May, I was nominated one of Vancouver’s Top 30 Mom Bloggers by In June, I changed my blog name from the Koala Bear Writer to the Koala Mom and updated my logo, URL and social media channels. In August, I celebrated nine years of blogging. I also started an email newsletter and joined Instagram.

Looking back over the year, here’s my top 10 posts:
1. Patron Saints of Pregnancy and Childbirth—this post topped my list last year and continues to be one of my most popular posts.

2. Valentine’s Day Ideas for Him — I guess I’m not the only woman who struggles with what to do for her man on this holiday that seems to be all about her.

3. 10 Mother-Daughter Movies for Mother’s Day — there are lots of movies about the relationship between moms and daughters, and as both a daughter and a mom of daughters, I thought this was a fun way to celebrate Mother’s Day.

4. Frozen Birthday Party Ideas — Sunshine wanted a Frozen-themed birthday party this year, and apparently so did a lot of other little girls.

5. 10 Tips for a Great Surprise Party — looks like surprise parties were popular last year, because this post sure was!
6. I’m Celebrating 9 Years of Blogging with a #BloggersFete! — this year, I joined with five other Canadian mom bloggers to celebrate our blogging anniversaries together and it was a lot of fun!

7. Jake and the Never Land Pirates Party for Girls — this was Lily’s party choice last year and I think it was one of the most fun parties we’ve ever thrown.

8. Tips & Advice for Successful Breastfeeding — friends helped me come up with questions to ask a lactation consultant about breastfeeding for this post.

9. Tips for Surviving First-Trimester Exhaustion — the first trimester is the hardest part of pregnancy for me, and I hope my tips for surviving that phase have helped all the moms who found this post.

10. Cold Remedies for Pregnant and Nursing Moms — another popular pregnancy post which comes from my experience of being sick and pregnant… again, I’m glad that my suffering can help other moms facing the same problem!

How did readers find me?
Here’s my top 5 sources of traffic this last year:
What were the highlights of your year?
Original article and pictures take site
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