среда, 10 августа 2016 г.

The Ultimate Breastfeeding Round-Up

The Ultimate Breastfeeding Round-Up
The Ultimate Breastfeeding Round-Up

Breastfeeding. It’s a completely normal thing. Women have been nursing their babies since the dawn of time but that doesn’t mean it’s not hard. I’ve gathered up some of the greatest posts on nursing and nursing hurdles just for you. I’ve created the ultimate breastfeeding round-up!

Breastfeeding Basics

The Mushy Mommy has a great post on the breastfeeding basics and it’s the perfect place to start! Need some reasons why “breast is best” (ideally people, ideally… we all know there are times when it might not be in everyone’s best interest to breastfeed), Whole New Mom shares her first 25 reasons why breast is best. There are many myths surrounding breastfeeding. Check out these 11 breastfeeding myths and why you should ignore them! After reading that post, you’ll want to check out The Mushy Mommy’s post on common breastfeeding fears to overcome.

Breastfeeding is about more than just feeding your baby, read how it’s also about mother and baby bonding. But is breastfeeding for everyone? This is the question that Beyond Attachment Parenting asks. We often only hear about the struggles and difficulties of breastfeeding but let’s not forget that sometimes breastfeeding goes well!

Want tips right from a first time mom who still has all the struggles fresh in her mind? Check out my post on tips from a first time breastfeeding mom. Breastfeeding can be hard even for experienced mamas which is why these 10 ways to make breastfeeding a success is such invaluable information, HEN Family also has a great post titled 7 things I wish I knew before breastfeeding which is exactly what I wish I had known with my first baby! Want more tips? New and Natural Mom has 8 breastfeeding tips from experienced mamas.

Will you be having a c-section? You’ll want to read Intoxicated on Life’s post for great tips on breastfeeding after a c-section!

Want a relaxing way to nurse your baby? Learn how to nurse while laying down from Mama Instincts. Want a nursing tank but don’t want to spend all that money? My Darla Clementine shows you how to make a nursing talk for just $4! Thinking that nursing babies should be on a feeding schedule? Find out why Mama Instincts nurses on demand instead of on a schedule. We can easily get distracted and multitask while breastfeeding but it’s also important to take a step back and breastfeed with intention.

Taking Care of You While Breastfeeding

Don’t forget to take care of yourself, mama! Little Bits of Granola shares self care tips for the breastfeeding mama. Make sure to eat well too. Did you know a nursing mom can burn ___ calories each day just by making milk? HEN Family shares some of the best foods for breastfeeding moms. I think most of us love coconut oil but did you know it has benefits for breastfeeding moms? Mother Rising has all the details on coconut oil and breastfeeding. Do you find yourself craving chocolate and all things sweet while you are breastfeeding? Turns out there’s a reason for that! Mama Instincts shares why some mamas crave chocolate while nursing as well as some healthy options to fulfill that craving. Don’t forget to stay hydrated too! Mother Rising lets us know how much water we should be drinking while breastfeeding.

Increasing Milk Supply

Perhaps you are struggling to make enough milk for your little one. You are not alone! I am what I like to call a “low milk to bare minimum milk” making mama. Over the years I’ve picked up 14 different ways to increase your milk supply. I’ve got a nursing support tea blend that will help keep your supply up. Soaked oatmeal chocolate chip lactation cookies from Recipes to Nourish is a yummy way to increase milk! Short on time? Mama Instincts has a non-soaked lactation cookie recipe. Have you heard of borage? Thyme to Embrace Herbs shares about borage helping milk supply. While on the subject, I’d like to talk about how breastfed babies grow. Did you know that breastfed babies grow differently than formula fed babies? This is really important to know when you start checking out those growth charts!

All About Pumping

Breastfeeding on its own is hard but pumping can add even more hurdles. If you will be pumping check out HEN Family’s essential breast pumping tips. Planning on going back to work while nursing? Here are some great tips and tricks for the breastfeeding mom going back to work. You will also want to check out this post from Mother Rising on going back to work and breastfeeding. If you are a green mom on top of being a breastfeeding mom then you’ll definitely want to read My Darla Clementine’s post on how to go green with your breast pumping routine.

Exclusively Nursing

There are many ways to breastfeed; most moms do a mixture of straight from the tap and pumping, others find they do exclusively pumping, but a smaller percentage end up being exclusively nursing moms. For one reason or another, the mom can’t pump and that means baby needs to never leave your side. Exclusively nursing is tough and I’ve got tips on how to survive being an exclusively nursing mom.

Nursing in Public

Nursing in the comfort of your own home is one thing but nursing in public is a whole other game! Mama Instincts shares 8 tips to nurse in public without fear. You can find more tips and my guest poster, Laura’s experience on nursing in public on my blog. The Mushy Mommy talks about how breastfeeding in public should not be the big issue that it is.

Breastfeeding Through Medical Issues

If you find yourself with cracked nipples then New and Natural Mom’s post on how to nurse through cracked nipples is the perfect post for you! Did you develop a plugged duct or milk blister? Intoxicated on Life has great ways to naturally treat plugged ducts and milk blisters! What about mastitis? Kara Carrero has some natural mastitis remedies for you!Hopefully you never have to deal with a breast abscess but if you do Mother Rising has a great story on how one mom overcame a breast abscess and continued on breastfeeding!

Breastfeeding with Allergies

Chrissy of Snacking in Sneakers shares about her Breastfeeding and Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance experience. After reading that post, check out Chrissy’s follow up post that gives an update and covers how they dealt with even more possible allergens.

Breastfeeding While Pregnant

It’s a common myth that you must stop breastfeeding if you get pregnant. As it so turns out, our bodies know what they are doing and so it’s entirely possible and safe to continue nursing even if you are pregnant. Mama Instincts shares her experience of breastfeeding through pregnancy.

Extended Breastfeeding

When you continue breastfeeding past one year, it’s suddenly called extended breastfeeding. This seems a little early of a title if you ask me considering even the WHO recommend breastfeeding for 2 years but it is what it is… The Mushy Mommy talks about how breastfeeding has no expiration date; how long you nurse will vary from mom to mom and child to child. Intoxicated on Life shares the benefits of breastfeeding past one year. This West Coast Mommy shares her experience breastfeeding a toddler. Did you know you can “un-wean” a toddler? My Darla Clementine shares why she un-weaned her toddler, I’m always blown away by her story! Need some clever reply for when people ask you if you are *still* nursing? We’re Parents has got you covered!

Breastfeeding Multiples

Breastfeeding one baby is already an amazing feat but breastfeeding more than one baby? I get star struck by those mamas! Mother Rising shares advice from three moms on how to breastfeed twins! Growing Slower has a post on 5 things you need to know about breastfeeding twins (or more).

When You Can’t Breastfeed

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try you just can’t make nursing work and that is ok. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that formula is your only option. There are actually 5 options for when you can’t breastfeed! Speaking of formula alternatives, donor milk is one of the options and Small Bites Wellness has great info on what you need to know about donor milk!

When You Have Excess Breastmilk

Some women have a hard time making enough milk but others find they have too much or rather they just have more than their little one needs. Measuring Flower dealt with hyperlactation and if you find yourself in the same camp, it’s worth a read! What about if you make enough milk but it’s just from one breast? Mother Rising shares her story and how she fixed being able to only breastfeed from one side.

Instead of letting all that liquid gold go to waste you could opt to donate your breastmilk. New and Natural Mom shares her experience as a breast milk donor. Mother Rising shares her experience about milk sharing. Measuring Flower gives you all the details on how to donate breastmilk.

When It’s Time To Wean

104 Homestead shares how to Suppress Lactation with Cabbage Leaves which not only is good for weaning but also for if you are dealing with engorgement or mastitis. Often times weaning starts with night weaning. This West Coast Mommy shares how she night weaned in a week. Beyond Attachment Parenting also shares their story of night weaning in a multi-post series. Weaning can be a bittersweet event, to keep things on the lighter side, The Mushy Mommy has 15 truths about weaning a toddler.

As if there isn’t enough great info in this post, I do want to share some invaluable online resources.

KellyMom is one site that almost all veteran breastfeeding mamas know. This is the one site that I will time and time again go to when I have a questions on is this normal?, how much should baby be eating, what herb should I avoid, etc.

La Leche League International was the first resource I ever learned about and it was through their book, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. They have tons of good info on their website but they also have local chapters of nursing moms which is a wonderful way to connect with others and get help from “real people”.

The Ultimate Breastfeeding Round-Up - Love this! So many great breastfeeding posts all in one place!

Original article and pictures take djyap9dtmy29a.cloudfront.net site

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