четверг, 19 сентября 2013 г.

Increase Your Milk Supply with Green Smoothies

Increase Your Milk Supply with Green Smoothies

Now that Grayson is almost 6 months (can you believe that?!), my milk supply has started to drop. I had the same issues with Cody and found many ways to increase your milk supply! I take fenugreek and mother’s milk tea and they both really do help. You can even get lactation cookies to help increase your supply as well as using essential oils (email me specifically about the essential oils so I can match you up with one based off your needs)! There are so many natural ways to boost your supply!

In addition to all of this, I found an amazing smoothie recipe that is not only totally good for you and tastes great, but it helps increase your milk supply! I love it and so does Cody so it is a win- win! I make a big batch and freeze in 1 cup servings which is a perfect snack or out the door drink!

Increase your Milk Supply with Green Smoothies

*1/2 cup pineapple juice

*1/2 cup of any variety of milk (I use almond and I don’t like the taste of almond milk, but mixed into the smoothie it tastes great. I love using coconut milk in my smoothies for a really creamy taste!

*4 Chunks of frozen banana is equal to 1 banana (I usually take my over ripe bananas about to go bad and cut into 4 chunks and throw in a freezer bag so it is ready to go when I make my smoothie)

*2 big handfuls of Kale. Now you may be thinking WHAT?! How can Kale be good in a smoothie? IT IS!!! All you really taste is the banana and Cody thinks it is cool that the drink is green :) You can rip the Kale leaves from the stem and just freeze as is. Then take out 2 handfuls at a time when making your smoothie.

Blend all together and serve!

Green Smoothie
Ball Freezer Canning Jars work great!They stack nicely in the freezer too!

Any good smoothie recipes? Love to have them!!

Original article and pictures take www.motherhoodsupport.com site

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